How to play?

Welcome to TuneBox Quiz, a thrilling quiz game all about songs and music!
Are you ready to put your music knowledge to the test and compete for the highest score?
Here's how the game works:

Game Start: Click the "Start Quiz" above to start TuneBox Quiz adventure.
Once you hit that button, the timer will begin counting down from 30 seconds,
so be quick with your answers!
Questions: You'll be presented with a series of music-related questions,
each with multiple-choice options.
Your task is to select the correct answer before time runs out. Choose wisely and trust your musical instincts! Scoring: For each correct answer, you'll earn a base of 50 points.
However, keep in mind that the points awarded decrease with each second that passes since the question was presented.
So, the quicker you answer, the higher your score!
Leaderboard: Aim to achieve the highest score possible to make it to the prestigious TuneBox Quiz Leaderboard.
Only the sharpest music enthusiasts can claim a spot at the top, so give it your all!
Challenge Your Friends: After completing the quiz, don't forget to challenge your friends to see who truly reigns as the TuneBox Quiz music master!

Are you ready to embark on this musical journey and prove your music prowess? 🎵🎶